Friday, August 22, 2008

Giant Kazoo?

So I was watching the Olympics today and this volleyball match between USA and Russia started. It's pretty sweet to see a ball get spiked into the face of Russian Whatever-kov, but what isn't sweet is this horrible noise in the background. Every time an American was about to serve, spike, or even look at the ball, it sounded like somebody was blowing on a giant kazoo. After a while I got very angry and started threatening the person through the TV. The only explanation for this is that some Russian in the crowd couldn't afford an equally annoying air horn so he brought his giant kazoo from home. USA beat Russia, despite the kazoo man.
That is my depiction of the Russian Kazoo Man, be on the lookout for him at any sporting event.

1 comment:

ichiroku said...

honestly, i do believe that some countries are famous for their giant kazoos. however, their shape and sound vary differently. didgeridoos of native austrailia for instance.
this comment is not as funny i was hoping. i wish it was. i really wanted to laugh.